NY Local Five Cheese Cooking Directions:

Preheat oven to 375°F. Remove Pizza from all packaging.

Recommended baking directions: place frozen pizza on pizza sheet (not provided), and bake for 7 minutes, then slide half baked pizza onto oven rack and bake until cheese is golden brown (approximately 7 more minutes).

Alternate baking options: For softer crust, place frozen pizza on a pizza sheet and bake for 14 to 16 minutes until cheese is golden brown. For crispy crust, place frozen pizza

directly onto oven rack and bake for 14 to 16 minutes until cheese is golden brown.




Dough: Flour, Water, Olive Oil, Yeast, Sugar, Salt.

Toppings: Feta, Gladsheim, and Tomme cheeses from Asgaard Farm. Dutch Knuckle Cheese from Sugar House Creamery, Mozzarella from R&G Cheesemakers, Crushed Tomatoes, Garlic, Herbs & Spices.